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My Weekly Blog

27/03/20 -Week 1: due to the devastating corona virus outbreak we have had to cancel our fmp plans and start again. We are needing to come up with a new idea of something we can do which is reasonable and realistic with the rules we have to work with. I have an idea of doing a relevant podcast, talking about how this virus is going to affect the music industry, peoples mental health etc.. I also have the idea to use my college promotion instagram account to ask my followers what they would want to hear on the podcast. This podcast could include a colabourtion with either a college mate or even some artists. This is good because it is involving and interacting the audience which will put the views up. We do not want to put anyone at risk, therefore social media is our best bet! A perfect tool to use for making a podcast is:

- It can create live streams and podcasts and it gives you a link for either which you can share via social media and upload onto other platforms. This website could also be used for quizzes and chat shows etc..




03/04/20 - Week 2: 

The Science & 

Mathematics University

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