Weekly Diary's
Week beginning date: 17th December 2019
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- do a presentation of our plan to do a record label and release someones music for this topic to present infront of terry and phil.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- computers and access to internet for research
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
- 2 days of planning and research
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
- research on different local record labels and how they do things:
Brighton record label - Fatcat records: https://www.fat-cat.co.uk/
need to thin about what artists we want to work with (preferbly students from the college)
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- completed the presentation, presented it and got permission from two artists that we can work with and release their music!
Week beginning date: 7th January 2020
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- Have meetings with the artists and work out what music we want to release together and how it is going to be done.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- the artists, need to make notes.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
- a couple of afternoons
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
- Learning the best tips ect for releasing music: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+release+music&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB864GB866&oq=how+to+release+m&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l7.7982j1j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_xUE9XsqGKMGM1fAPjY2VgAs26
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- Got the two singles we are going to release: Wez - emtional war https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GKlI1R38uTW5ygAF1uNu7Kr235zOxMJQ/view?ts=5e1f2014
Jamz - calling https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive
- next week i am hoping to get an instagram account running and think about album covers for the artists
Week beginning date: 14th january 2020
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- Set up instagram account for promotion. Get photos of the artists taken for the album covers
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- Iphone/ computer to set up instagram. Camera for photos of the artists
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
- take an afternoon to set the account up and spend he rest of the week learning best ways to gain followers and keep them interacted.
- take an afternoon to find the right background and lighting and take the pictures and download them
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
- Learning tips on how to promote music on social media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzv8pYVtYbk
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- set the instagram account up:
-Got pictures of jamz taken, already had a good one of wez for the album cover
- next week im looking at editing the pictures of jamz and focusing on posting content on royalartistmanagement instagram page
Week beginning date: 21st january 2020
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- edit the picures of jamz and get them designed on a poster as the album cover along with the picture we already had of wez. focus on uploading on instagrm and being active. also hopefully set up another social media
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- Iphone for posting the content onto instagram and setting up a twitter account. iphone editing app for the pictures. computer and canva for album designing
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
- an afternoon editing
- consistantly throughout the week being active on instagram
- a day designing making sure the album cover fits perfect
- an afternoon setting twitter for the management
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
- Learning tips on how to edit: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB864GB866&biw=1920&bih=969&tbm=vid&ei=TmU9XtzPEPWX1fAP6KmkmAk&q=how+to+edit+photos+on+iphone&oq=how+to+edit+photos+on+iphone&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.1156.3033.0.3400.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- made the twitter succesfully and uploaded promotion pictures and links. uploaded a good amount. got the 2 album covers finished
- next week going to release the music on different platforms, hopefully youtube and soundcloud
Week beginning date: 28th january 2020
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- Release Wez's 'emotional war' on a couple different platforms. tidying up on different things. keeping instagram active.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- computer with copy of album cover to put over audio of his song.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
throughout the week
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
- carry on using the promotion tips to keep my instagram active and promoting the music.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- Emotion War got released on youtube and soundcloud successfully and instagram updated everyday. next week is dead line week so i will be doing my finishing touches on my website.
Week beginning date: 4th February 2020
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
- dead line week - finishing touches on my website of project 2
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
- computer
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
throughout the week
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
- website and project finsihed :)